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AMD is a British manufacturer of molecular diagnostic instruments and high-quality kits for respiratory, infectious and sexually transmitted diseases and foodborne pathogens.
The kits are based on the Real-Time PCR methodology and are characterized by their universality (identical temperature profile), the ability to detect FAM and HEX fluorescent dyes and compatibility with instruments of a wide range of manufacturers such as BioRad CFX96, Applied Biosystems 7500 Fast, QuantStudio 3.5, 7, StepOne Plus, Agilent Mx3000, 3005P, RotorGene Q, Cepheid Smartcycler, Analytik Jena qTower and Roche Lightcycler 480, 96.
Positive controls (standards for quantification) and PCR extraction and/or inhibition controls are an obvious part of the kits.
The list of currently available products can be found in the attached catalog.
For more information, please contact us by e-mail: diagnostika@pentagen.cz