Kapras Day 2/2024

On 14 February, the Czech diagnostic team participated in the 22nd annual Kapras Day conference, the theme of which was "Clinical Genetics". New products in our portfolio for 2024 were presented in the form of a lecture, such as the new Archer TMB panels, the universal pipeline from SOPHiA Genetics and the new Myeloid-NDC panel from Univ8 Genomics.




Gx media workshop 2/2024

We held two workshops on the topic of oxidative stress when working with embryos in the IVF lab and introduced a revolutionary new line of culture media with antioxidants from Vitrolife that can effectively reduce this oxidative stress and thus positively influence the results of the entire IVF process.




Corporate events in Slatinice Spa in 1/2024.

In January this year we visited Slatinice Spa, located near Olomouc, as part of a company event. Here we had the opportunity to try some medical procedures. Throughout our ""business trip"" there was a relaxed atmosphere, which was interspersed with both professional lectures and good entertainment, which ended with a performance by the world-famous magician Tomasian.