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Kits to streamline the preparation of NGS libraries from double-stranded DNA that use enzymatic fragmentation to generate libraries for PCR-free, PCR-amplified, and targeted sequencing applications.
Adapters with unique dual indexes and unique molecular identifiers for sensitive NGS applications.
Premixed unique dual index primer pairs for sample indexing by PCR with primer pairs.
Reagent used during enzymatic fragmentation for larger 550 bp insert size.
Reagents for quick and easy library normalization and pooling for sequencing.
Kit to streamline the preparation of NGS libraries from degraded and low-input research samples with proprietary ligation strategy.
Kit for easy NGS library preparation of ssDNA and dsDNA from degraded samples due to the unique Adaptase design technology.
Efficient library prep from bisulfite-converted ssDNA with our Adaptase technology forwhole genome and targeted methyl-seq workflows.
Kit enabling a fast, low-cost stranded RNA library construction and transcriptome sequencing directly from 1st strand cDNA.
Kit for construction of stranded RNA library compatible with a range of input types and quantities.