xGen DNA EZ Library Prep Kits

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Producer: Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc.
Obrazek produktu - xGen DNA EZ Library Prep Kits
Kits to streamline the preparation of NGS libraries from double-stranded DNA that use enzymatic fragmentation to generate libraries for PCR-free, PCR-amplified, and targeted sequencing applications.

More detailed product information

The xGen™ DNA EZ Library Preparation Kits enable streamline preparation of comprehensive NGS libraries from dsDNA using enzymatic fragmentation (EZ).
The resulting libraries feature comprehensive coverage with fewer PCR duplicates and are suitable for a variety of research applications (PCR-free, PCR-amplified, targeted sequencing).

  • Workflows design for easy automation.
  • High multiplexing capability - pre-prepared UDI primers allow multiplexing of up to 1536 samples.
  • Compatible with xGen Normalase™ Module - simplifies normalization of sequencing libraries from multiplexing.
  • Supported applications: WGS, WES, variant detection (germline, somatic), CNV detection, genotyping
  • Sample type: fresh frozen tissue, genomic DNA, PCR amplicons, high quality FFPE

Available in two configurations:


  • Standard kit: The xGen DNA Library EZ kit supports indexing by PCR workflow, it includes xGen Stubby Adapters. Indexing primers are supplied separately.
  • Universal kit: The xGen DNA Library EZ UNI kit supports an indexing by ligation workflow for optional PCR amplification or PCR-free workflow, amplification primers are included in the kit. Indexed adapters are supplied separately.

Both kits include an enzymatic fragmentation module, a high efficiency ligase, and a PCR Master Mix that can generate library yields sufficient for hybridization-based enrichment or direct sequencing.

Ordering information:
xGen™ DNA Library Prep EZ 16rxn 10009863
xGen™ DNA Library Prep EZ 96rxn 10009821
xGen™ DNA Library Prep EZ UNI 16rxn 10009864
xGen™ DNA Library Prep EZ UNI 96rxn 10009822

For more information, please contact us by e-mail: diagnostika@pentagen.cz