Product overview - Reproduction

Embryoscope D

The first version of EmbryoScope. Now out of production.


Special culture dish for EmbryoScope+

EmbryoSlide for ES-D

Special culture dish for EmbryoScope D


EmbryoScope+ with 15 culture sites

Micro well group culture dish, 9 well

Micro well group culture dish, 9 well

SpermGrad™ (1x 30ml)

SpermGrad™ (1x 30ml)

RapidWarm™ Omni (4x5mL)

Insemination Cannula - Small GENITOR, 25-pack

nsemination Cannula - Small GENITOR, 25-pack

G-2™PLUS (30ml)

G-2™PLUS (30ml)

ICSI miska/ICSI Dish 400 pcs (80x5)

Use: fertilization, cultivation, cryopreservation, transfer

Pasterova pipeta 3 ml (Pasteur pipette)

Pasterova pipeta 3 ml (Pasteur pipette)

Jednojamková miska/Centre Well Dish 400 pcs (80x5)

Use: fertilization, cultivation, cryopreservation, transfer

Frydman classic catheter 4.5, 1P, 25-pack

Frydman classic catheter 4.5, 1P, 25-pack

Frydman memory catheter 4.5, 1P, 10-pack

Frydman memory catheter 4.5, 1P, 10-pack

KIDScore D3/D5

Evaluation algorithm for selecting the best embryo for transfer on day 3 or day 5


Fully automated AI-assisted program for selecting the best embryo based on clinical data

Giuded Annotation

Program with integrated AI for data generation for KIDScore D3/D5 algorithm

RapidVit Cleave TM (3x10ml)

RapidVit Cleave TM (3x10ml)

Ultrasoft Frydman Set Echo with Mandrel 5.0

Ultrasoft Frydman Set Echo s trnem 5.0

SpermFreeze Solution (4x10ml)

Sperm freezing solution.

Dvoucestné jehly konvenční

Conventional two-way needles

Petriho miska 40 mm / Culture Dish 40 mm 400 units (80x5)

Uses: oocyte retrieval, fertilization, culture

Jednocestné jehly konvenční

Conventional one-way needles

Insemination Cannula - Standard model, 25-pack

Inseminační kanyla - standardní model, balení po 25 kusech

Frydman ultrasoft 4.5 echo (Echogenic), 2P, 10-pack

Frydman ultrasoft 4.5 echo (Echogenic), 2P, 10-pack

ULTRASOFT ECHOGYN M EMBRYOVIEW FEP 18 cm (Echogenic), 2P, 10-pack

Ultrasoft echogyn m embryoview FEP 18 cm (Echogenic), 2P, 10-pack

Petriho miska 60 mm / Culture Dish 60 mm 540 units

Uses: oocyte retrieval, fertilization, culture

Micro Droplet Culture Dish 400 pcs(80x5)

Special dish for individual embryo cultivation

Jednocestné jehly Sense

Sense one-way needles

Petriho miska 90 mm /Collection Dish 90 mm

EmbryoGlue™ 5x1,5ml

EmbryoGlue™ 5x1,5ml

Kit for determination of sperm vitality

Sperm vitality test

TDT SET, 3P, 10-pack

TDT SET, 3P, 10-pack

SpermGrad™ (1x125ml)

SpermGrad™ (1x125ml)

Dvoucestné jehly Sense

Two-way Sense needles

Sample Tube 5 ml

Test tube for media preparation and for andrology


Pasterova pipeta 1 ml (Pasteur pipette)

Pasterova pipeta 1 ml (Pasteur pipette)

G-TL™(30 ml)

G-TL™(30 ml)

Pětijamková kultivační destička/5 Well Culture Dish 400 pcs (80x5)

Applications: oocyte denudation, culture, cryopreservation

Centrifugační zkumavka 50ml (Centrifuge tube)

Centrifuge tube 50ml (Centrifuge tube)

Centrifugační zkumavka 15ml (Centrifuge tube)

Centrifuge tube 15ml (Centrifuge tube)

Sperm Collection Container

Innovative cup for sperm collection

G-PGD™(10 ml)

SpermGrad™RTU (2 x 30ml)

SpermGrad™RTU (2 x 30ml))

SpermPack 40


G-IVF™PLUS (60ml)

G-IVF™PLUS (60ml)

EmbryoGlue™ 1 x 10 ml

EmbryoGlue™ 1 x 10 ml

FREEZE-Kit Cleave

FREEZE-Kit Cleave

Frydman soft with guide 4.5, 3P, 10-pack

THAW-Kit Cleave

THAW-Kit Cleave

SpermGrad™RTU (2 x 125ml)

SpermGrad™RTU (2 x 125ml)

SA - solution™(10ml)

SA - solution™(10ml)



G-Gamete™ (30ml)

G-Gamete™ (30ml)

RapidVit™ Blast(3x10ml)

RapidVit™ Blast(3x10ml)

RapidWarm™Blast (3x10ml)

RapidWarm™Blast (3x10ml)


Sperm handling solution.

G-MOPS™PLUS (125ml)

Medium for manipulation of oocytes and embryos in normal atmosphere.

Rapid-i Kit

Closed carrier for vitrification of oocytes and embryos.

Rapid-i Vitrifikační set

Complete set for vitrification of oocytes and embryos.

RapidWarm™Oocyte (4x10ml)

RapidWarm™Oocyte (4x10ml)

ASP™(1x125 ml)

ASP™(1x125 ml)

G-1™PLUS v5 (30ml)

G-1™PLUS v5 (30ml)

SpermRinse TM (1x30ml)

SpermRinse TM (1x30ml)


Halosperm ® G2 10 det.


Ultra pure paraffin oil.

Ovoil Heavy™ (1x100ml)


Concentrated hyaluronidase.



Oxisperm® II 20 det.

SpermPack 20






LensHooke CA0

Separation bowl for selecting the best sperm

Semen Test Cassette CS1

Disposable semen analysis cartridge

Semen Quality Analyzer X1 PRO

Semen Quality Analyzer X1 PRO

Ultrasoft Frydman Set with mandrel 5.0

Sada Ultrasoft Frydman s trnem 5.0

Stylet for Frydman Soft/Ultrasoft

Stylet pro Frydman Soft/Ultrasoft



Pipelle Mark II

Pipelle Mark II

Serological Pipette 1 ml

Certified pipette for maximum precision

Serological Pipette 2 ml

Certified pipette for maximum precision

Serological Pipette 5 ml

Certified pipette for maximum precision

Serological Pipette 10 ml

Certified pipette for maximum precision

SpermRinse TM (1x125ml)

VitroTemp™(5Well + 40mm) Digital readout instrument and probe kit

VitroTemp TM (5Well + 40mm) Digital readout instrument and probe kit

Semen Quality Analyzer X12 PRO

Advanced Sperm Quality Analyzer According to WHO 6th Edition

Semen Quality Analyzer X3 PRO

Advanced Sperm Quality Analyzer According to WHO 6th Edition

LensHooke® CS3 Semen Test Slide

Disposable slide for sperm analysis.