EmbryoGlue™ 5x1,5ml

Product code: 10168
Producer: Vitrolife
Obrazek produktu - EmbryoGlue™ 5x1,5ml
EmbryoGlue™ 5x1,5ml
Dokumenty ke stažení

Documents to download

EU DoC MDR Class III Media.pdf .pdf CE MDR media EU TDA.pdf .pdf CE MDR media EU QMS.pdf .pdf

More detailed product information

Medium for embryo transfer. Contains a high concentration of hyaluronan and recombinant human albumin. Includes essential and non-essential amino acids. Supports implantation during embryo transfer. Proven to increase the number of clinical pregnancies and births.

For more information, please contact us by e-mail: reprodukce@pentagen.cz